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Transforming Fear

  • 8 stappen


This is Chapter 4 out of the full Rooted Within course. Fear is the number one thing that holds us back from saying what we want to say or doing what we want to do ! It can literally block us from the life, job or relationships we actually want. It's not always easy to transform these fears, so that's why this chapter is here for you ! In this chapter you will: - learn what fear is - learn how fear manifests - learn how to recognize fear within yourself - learn how to transform fear - practice very powerful tools that incorporate, body, mind, soul & energetics! As fear plays on all those levels. ​ * * * Click on the button JOIN below. You will need to sign up with the email address you will also use to access the course before you can proceed to payment. Looking forward to going on this journey together!! Wuhuw! x Ama

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€ 49,00


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